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  • 2160 Chandeliers Contemporary


    Chandeliers | Contemporary

    Chandelier " Diamante " with trihedrons. Lighting item that diffuses the light with great effect in the surrounding environement creating a warm an..

    ø 90 cm H 75 cm +50cm steel cable - KG 25

  • 1638/CH2 Chandeliers Contemporary


    Chandeliers | Contemporary

    Chandelierwith trasparent trihedrons of Murano Glass. Lighting item that diffuses the light with great effect in the surrounding environement creat..

    H 117 cm L 49x22 cm -

  • 1796 Chandeliers Contemporary


    Chandeliers | Contemporary

    Chandelier with transparent triedri  and white and trasparent butterfly all Murano glass. Lighting item that diffuses the light with great effect in..

    H 145 cm ø53cm; Kg 65