ST47Curtain Rods | Bath Design PANTHER - Ambrass in gold 24K with micro casting of enameled brass panther. Element of great stylistic value that makes the environment extremely.. Base 4x4 cm Sp 10 cm
ST48Curtain Rods | Bath Design PANTHER - Double Curtain bracket brass in gold 24k with micro casting of enameled brass panther and transparent Murano's spheres. Element of gre.. H 34 cm Base 8x8 cm Sp. 31 cm
ST51/KRRSCurtain Rods | Bath Design SET KING Bracket for curtain poles in brass and pink italian hand-cutted crystal (price for 1 bracket with 1 finial, pole excluded). Element of gr.. Finale H 24 cm L. 25 cm Braccio Sp. 18 H 14 cm
ST50/KRRSCurtain Rods | Bath Design SET KING Ambrass for curtains in brass and pink italian hand-cutted crystal. Element of great stylistic value that makes the environment extremely.. H 10 cm L. 6 cm Sp. 11 cm
ST45/2Curtain Rods | Bath Design SET CATS’ EYES Palo tenda doppio in ottone e fiori in vetro Murano - Finitura: OV. Elemento di grande valore stilistico che rende l'ambiente estr.. H 15 cm finale 12 cm Sp 20 cm