Lampadario contemporaneo , struttura in metallo ottone finitura Nikel Lucido completo di paralumi. (Rosone e cavo acciaio da 50 cm inclusi). Corpo illuminante che diffonde con grande effetto la luce nell’ambiente circostante creando un’atmosfera calda ed accogliente.
Contemporary Chandelier made in brass metal in polished nikel color. Complete with lampshades. (metal cup and steel cable 50 cm included). Lighting item that diffuses the light with great effect in the surrounding environement creating a warm and welcoming atmosphere.
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2129/CH36/SG Ø 136 cm - H 107 cm ; Kg 50
2129/A/SG Ø 40 cm - H 30 cm - Sp 23 cm
2130/CH24/NL Ø 128 cm - H 65 cm
2129/CH12/SG Ø 136 cm - H Tot. 100 cm
2129/CH24/SG Ø 136 cm - H 65 cm
2127/CH36/NL ø 132 cm H 107 cm Kg 35
2127/CH12/NL ø 132 cm H 100 cm Kg 18
2127/A2/NL L 39 cm H 35 cm Sp 21 cm Pd 14cm Kg 6
2130/CH36/NL ø 128 cm H 107 cm Kg 70
2130/CH12 ø 128 cm H 100 cm Kg 20
2130/A2/NL L 34 cm H 30 cm Sp19 cm Kg 6
2129/CH15 Ø 100 cm - H 200 cm
2220/A1 L 14 cm H 48 cm Sp16 cm - KG 2